For Children
Frequently Asked Questions:
During your first visit, you will be completing several questionnaires about your thoughts and feelings on different topics. You will also participate in one on one assessments with the researcher that will involve answering basic questions and using the iPad to do some interactive tasks. You will then receive a smartwatch to wear for one to two weeks! Towards the end of your visit, we will go to the mock (dummy) fMRI scanner, and get comfortable with the tasks, sounds, and environment. At any point if you feel uncomfortable, we will stop and reassess. Throughout the visit, you may take breaks for food/water as needed!
For your second visit, you will lie comfortably in an MRI scanner, which will take pictures of your brain while you either engage in tasks or watch relaxing videos!
You can earn up to $120 in cash at the end of the study. This amount will be prorated to compensate you for your time if you decide to quit midway.
The first visit will be around 4-5 hours but you may take as many breaks as you need!
The second visit will be around 2-3 hours.
fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a safe and effective way to take pictures of your brain while you are doing tasks or watching videos.
If you would like to learn more about what you will be doing or how an MRI works, we recommend these videos:
There are no harmful effects associated with the scan; however, because it uses a strong magnetic field, it is unsafe to bring magnetic materials into the scanner with you. This includes common medical devices and implants. If you have any specific devices or implants but are still interested in participating, you may check your eligibility by reviewing our safety checklist linked- here.
Participating in research is completely voluntary! At any given time, if you are uncomfortable and would like to stop, please let us know.
Your compensation will be prorated to the time you spent with us!
Yes! For safety reasons, a parent or a guardian will need to be present during both sessions. However, for the most part, they will be free to relax in one of our rooms.
Learn more about the MRI!
Watch some of the videos below to learn about and get used to the MRI process!